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By completing this you exercise you will have a more informed stance on the controversy around health care funding and utilization of it. This issue should highlight to you the balancing act that occurs with meeting the expectations of Canadian citizens, funding available, and increasing awareness. Although you only examined one specific disease you can infer that all diseases and conditions have just as many, if not more, intricacies.



You may also consider looking into some possible latent health concerns of your current choices…

  • The volume of your ipod and duration of play may cause you to go deaf, adjusting it by even a few notches will greatly affect if you will your hearing

  • Exercising regularly and making healthy choices will decrease your chances of obesity and the strain it puts on your body. Adopting and maintaining these habits now will help maintain your metabolism as your age.

  • Wearing knee pads and braces when playing sports will help maintain the joint health and minimizing progressive damage and deterioration.





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